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About Me

Hi, I’m David Gira. I’m a pastor, cancer survivor, and the author of How Cancer Cured Me. I’m committed to helping cancer patients and their loved ones connect with Christ. I want them to know that God is with them, loves them, and is working in their lives for their good and his glory...even in the midst of disease. I want to give hope for all the healing that is possible in this life, of our bodies and all of our brokenness, and hope for heaven. I believe cancer patients can be more than survivors; they can be thrivers.
I have almost twenty years of experience serving as a United Methodist Pastor. I love being a pastor - preaching, praying, and visiting.
Ministry has brought me great joy - proclaiming the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ, leading people in worship and ministry, and teaching others about God’s word. I have had the honor to provide pastoral care to those in need, including many with cancer.
In 2017, doctors diagnosed me with stage 4 lung cancer. Despite chemotherapy and radiation, I continued working. I started writing about my experience and my book began to take shape one I continue to believe will provide other cancer patients hope and purpose.
The day of my diagnosis I started writing about my experience. Monthls later, God called me to write How Cancer Cured Me. The book is organized into 15 chapters, each one focused on one of the 15 ways I experienced God's healing – grace, courage, patience - during my cancer experience.

In June 2019, I stepped away from church ministry to focus on my own healing and devote more time to family and to focus on writing and finishing my book. During that time, I began to feel called to focus my ministry on the cancer community. On July 9, 2019, doctors pronounced me cancer free!
How Cancer Cured Me, which will be published 8/25/20. To learn more, click here.
My blog is about connecting cancer patients, survivors, and others impacted by the disease with Jesus Christ. Here we continue the cancer conversation about the ways God has, continues to, and can work in the lives of cancer patients. The blog provides a place to envision the many ways God can use our cancer experience to heal all our brokenness - relational, emotional, spiritual, etc. It’s also a place to tell the stories of physical healing that, by the grace of God, can and do still occur.
Each Thursday I will post something I think will be helpful for the cancer community - a devotional or reflection on scripture exploring the ways God's word speaks and relate to the cancer experience, stories from the lives of inspiring cancer witnesses, and resources like prayers and sermons and excerpts from my book.
I would love to hear from you. Please share your cancer and Christ experiences with me. I welcome your questions and feedback. What kind of healing are you experiencing? Where does God feel close or far? How are you seeing God at work in your life for your good and His glory? We can reflect together.
Please subscribe to my email list so I can let you know about blog posts, book updates, resources and events, and pass along words of encouragement.

A few of my top posts I want to share with you. You can find them here. After blogging for several years, I discovered my posts about cancer were by far the most read. These include updates I provided starting with the discovery of an unidentified mass in my lung. A couple of the posts are about cancer patients whose lives inspired me.

I graduated from Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. I received my Master’s of Divinity from Duke University in Durham, NC. I am an ordained Elder of the United Methodist Church with eighteen years of church pastoral ministry. After my cancer diagnosis in 2017, Amy and I have been married almost 25 years and have three children; two in college and one in high school. We now live in Raleigh, NC.
The best way to contact me is by e-mail at m.david.gira@gmail.com.
God bless you,
David Gira

Caleb, Marcie, Amy, Hannah, and Me

How to
Contact Me
You can reach me at m.david.gira@gmail.com
If you have questions about press and publicity for How Cancer Cured Me
Questions about speaking engagements and booking, fill out the speaking request form here.
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You can follow me on Twitter at @davidgira or like me on Facebook. On Instagram I’m at @mdavidgira.