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Praise God! Cancer Update 11-18-21

Writer's picture: David Gira David Gira

Monday’s oncology treatment went remarkably well. I experienced no adverse effects during the several hours of powerful chemo drugs being pumped into my arm. And in the days following, I have yet to experience any of the horrible potential side effects. Praise the Lord!

On top of that, I’m beginning to be able to take some food and drink by mouth, including coffee! The nectar of heaven! Hallelujah!

I give thanks for your prayers. Thank you for loving me enough to appeal to God on my behalf. I am deeply touched by your kindness. As I said before, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). Thanks for being so righteous!

And of course, I give thanks to God! I believe once again I am experiencing supernatural healing. As I’ve read Psalm 16, these words have stood out to me.

Therefore, my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16: 9-11

Amen! I feel led to rejoice. My heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices. I will praise the Lord (v7). God continues to do a mighty work in me, not abandoning me to death, but leading me on the path of life! God is doing a mighty work in me, somehow working together all of this for my good and his glory! (Romans 8:28).

For many weeks, I’ve come across scripture that invites us to praise and worship God. I’ve dusted off my guitar, played and sang some of my favorite worship songs. I’ve also made a commitment to devote all my music listening time to songs that praise God. I love all kinds of music, but right now I desire to fill my ears and mouth with God’s praises.

I’ve been updating my playlists on Spotify of my favorite worship songs. One playlist is of many of the first songs I heard and loved from my time in ministry at Haymount U.M.C. in Fayetteville, NC (2005-2013). I was privileged to lead the New Sanctuary contemporary worship service and often lead the worship team. What a joy it was to make music with such a faithful and talented team! If you’d like to check it out my New Sanctuary playlist, here it is.

I would like to propose this challenge: From now until Christmas Day let’s listen only to Christian praise and worship music.

I’m reminded of a worship leader I admire from Elevation Worship. “I’m going to worship my way through this battle,” he proclaims as he leads people in worship. I love that. Isn’t that something? The way to get through whatever you’re facing is praise!

P.S. To hear more messages like this, please visit my website at Be sure to check out my blog and my book, How Cancer Cured Me. I have author copies that would make a great Christmas gift:)

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